How To display Favicon, Site Title and Tagline on wordpress development?

What is site Icon?It is small icon on the tab bar of your websiteWhat is title and tagline?They are name and short description on title of your site. Favion along with site title and Tagline is found in dashboard>customize>site identityDuring development of wordpress you have to hard code for showing these. First of all lets … Read moreHow To display Favicon, Site Title and Tagline on wordpress development?

How to add Features in WordPress using add_theme_support Function

While developing wordpress theme, you wont get section to add post image. So you need to add the following codes to function.php To display thumbnail in single.php or page.php (anywhere in frontend), you need to insert this code inside php // Add feaure image thumbnail function thumbnail_add(){ add_theme_support( ‘post-thumbnails’ ); } add_action(“after_setup_theme”,”thumbnail_add”); add_action is an … Read moreHow to add Features in WordPress using add_theme_support Function


The easiest way to add the nav manu in the dashboard is by using “register_nav_menus()” function and hook in the functions.phpThe syntax is as follow: function menu_name(){“header” => “primary Menu”,“footer” => “Footer Menu”} add_action(“init”,”menu_name”); // in the above header and footer are the two menus that I am going to embade in my project. You … Read moreHOW TO REGISTER NAV MENU IN WORDPRESS?