YouTube Niche Ideas

How To Choose YouTube Video Niche? 25 Proven Niches That You Can Use Today

If you are planning to start a new YouTube Channel and you don’t know in which niche to work? A good niche is related to you like, has good traffic, and also has a monetary value.

To choose the niche of your video, you must keep in mind 3 points.

  1. Your Interest
  2. Business Value
  3. Monthly/Yearly Searches
  4. Trends and Future of the topic

1) Interest

You must choose the niche of your interest. If you have an interest in any topic you can continue to work consistently for a long period. To work with the subject without your interest is very difficult and you may end one day by getting upset with the performance of your video. On YouTube, you may not get the result according to your expectation. So it needs lots of dedication to continue to work as a YouTube Content Creator.

2) Business Value

If you work on a niche that has business value you might get lots of opportunities to make money. With the increase in the popularity of your YouTube video, you can reach many audiences. All the audiences are your potential customers. With the increasing popularity of your video, you can sell your products to your interested customer. Let us take an example you choose a niche of Digital Marketing. You can give paid training. So, if you choose a business with the business value you can earn extra money.

3) Monthly/Yearly Searches

You must choose a niche that is searched more on the web. If the category is not searched on the internet, then I suggest not to make the YouTube video in the niche. You won’t grow if your video is not searched on the internet. If your category (niche) is searched, congratulations. You need to work in SEO (Title, Description, Featured Image, and the content). And yes, You must give quality content. Content is the King.

4) Future of the Topic

Before selecting the niche of your YouTube channel, you must make sure that your category is evergreen. Some Topics can get viral for a certain time only. You must not choose those topics if you are planning to make the video for a longer time.

60 Niche Ides To Start Your New YouTube Channel

Now I would like to give you 25 niche Ideas. These are proven Ideas and have more potential to grow your Youtube Channel. If you are thinking to make a new YouTube channel and you are not sure what your niche could be. These Ides might help you.

  1. Personal Finance,
  2. getting out of debt.
  3. Investing and navigating the stock market, frugal living, minimalism
  4. Small business marketing advice
  5. tax tips
  6. digital advertisement sales, coaches
  7. Health & Nutrition
  8. Mediation
  9. Yoga
  10. spirituality
  11. Recipes and meal preparation tutorial,
  12. Information about restaurants in your city/country
  13. Hotels Information
  14. Travel, Hiking, Trekking, camping, mountaineering, biking, rock climbing
  15. Fitness and Weightlifting
  16. Photography and Techniques
  17. Sports (Training Video)
  18. Parenting (Advice to parents)
  19. Movies Critiques
  20. Self-improvement
  21. book review
  22. career advise,
  23. interview tips
  24. Relationship and marriage devices,
  25. Study Helping Videos