Enable Classic Editor without Using Plugin.


I have been using classic editor for ages, but all of a sudden when WordPress got updated, a block editor came which made my work very difficult. I had to learn everything before posting my blog. It was sooo frustrating. I want old classic editor back and I don’t want to use any plugin for that. Is it possible?



Yes, It’s possible and it is a very simple process. To disable the block editor and enable classic editor you can follow the following 5 steps.

Step 1: First of all go to your dashboard and on the left side of the panel hover your mouse on Appearance.

Step 2: Click on Theme File Editor.


Step 3: You might be given a warning that changing the files might crash your website. If you are not familiar with WordPress codes please don’t mess up other code.

Step 4: On the right side of the Themes file list select and click functions.php.


Step 5: In the file right after <?php past the following code

add_filter( 'gutenberg_use_widgets_block_editor', '__return_false' );

Step 6: After pasting this code click on Update files. Your file will be updated.


In this way you can easily apply classic editor without installing any plugins.