C Programming Questions For Practice


  1. What is programming language? Describe the various types of programming language with their merits and demerits [1+4] (2076, Set B Q.No. 4/ 2076 Set C Q.No. 3)
  2. What is programming language? Explain compiler, interpreter and assembler. [1+4]
  3. Explain different types of programming languages. [5] (2074 Supp Q.No. 4)
  4. What are the differences between syntax and semantics error? Describe the different types of programming languages with features [3+2] (2075 GIE Q.No. 4)


  1. What is operator? Explain logical and relational operator with example. [1+4]

Conditional Statement

  1. What is the control structure in C? Describe if-else statement with example. [2+3]
  2. What is the conditional statement in C? Describe switch statement. [2+3] (2074 Set A Q.No. 1)
  3. Explain if-else control structure with example [5] (2075 GIE Q.No. 1a)


  1. Explain loop with example
  2. Differentiate between “While” and Do-While” loop with flowchart.
  3. List different types of loop in C. Explain for loop with example. [2+3]
  4. What are different types of loop in C? Write a program to print multiplication table of 1 to 10.
  5. What is loop? Different ate between while and do while loop [2+3] (2075 Set A Q. No. 1a )
  6. What is ‘while’ loop statement? Write an algorithm and C program to input a number and reverse it.
  7. Write a program to display the following by using loop. [2.5+2.5]




1-Dimensional Array

  1. Write a program to enter 5 integer numbers into array and display [5] (2075 Set B Q.no. 2b)
  2. Write a program to input any 10 integer number in an array and find the total. [10] (2074)
  3. Define array. Write a program to input any 10 numbers in array and display it. Find the biggest number among the input numbers.
  4. Define array. Write a program to sort the nth term of integer’s number in ascending order and display it. [2+2.5] ( 2077, Set D Q.No. 1)
  5. Write a program to enter 10 integer numbers into array and display in descending order. [5] (2062 )
  6. Write a program to enter 10 numbers in array and find the sum and average of all the numbers.
  7. WAP to input n numbers and find out the greatest [5] (2062)
  8. WAP using C language to read the age of 100 persons and count the number of persons in the age group between 50 and 60. Use for and continue statement. [8] (2061 Q No. 2)
  9. Write an algorithm and C program to read salaries of 200 employees and count the number of employees getting salaries between 500 – 1000 [8] (2062 Q No. 3a)

2-Dimensional Array

  1. Write a program to input the elements of 4 x 3 matrixes and prints its elements properly using array.
  2. Write a program to enter 2×3 matrix and find the sum.
  3. Write a program to enter two matrices of 2×2 and find the differences.
  4. Write a program to enter two 3×3 matrices and multiply them.
  5. Write a program to enter 2×3 matrices and find its transpose.


  1. Write a program to enter name of 100 students and display in alphabetical order. [8] (2071)
  2. What is string? Describe any four sting handling functions with example.
  3. Write a program to count total number of vowels and consonants in a string.
  4. Write a program to demonstrate any two-string function using C. [5]
  5. Explain any tow string functions with examples.
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