How To Hide YouTube Subscribers in 2022.

How To Hide YouTube Subscribers in 2022 ?

Viewers always want to see the video of those who have more subscribers on YouTube. So, a fresh starter of YouTube video creator has less number of subscribers. This might create a negative impact on your viewers. This is the general mindset of people. I suggest you hide your subscriber if you have fewer than a thousand subscribers. So, In this blog, I will teach you how to hide your subscriber’s count on YouTube.


Step1:   Open your YouTube Channel By signing in with your Gmail account.

Step 2: Once you are logged in to your YouTube account click on the logo which is on the right top side of your screen.

Step 3: Click on YouTube Studio

Step 4: Click on the “Setting” option (with gear icon ⚙  ).

How To Hide YouTube Subscribers in 2022.

Step 5: Click on the “Channel” Tab.

Step 6: Click on “Advanced Setting”

Step 7: Scroll down to Subscriber count. And Untick the “Display the number of people subscribed to your channel.”

How To Hide YouTube Subscribers in 2022.

Step 8: Click on “Save”.


In this way, you can hide the subscriber count in your YouTube channel.