Test Your Knowledge! MCQ of Number System

The history of number and number system started from the ancient time before the invention of any counting devices that had been made in the history of computer. The most commonly used number system is decimal number system which was invented by Hindu Philosophers.

Here are the MCQ challenge questions. Check your knowledge about Number System and Boolean Logic.

MCQ Number System

1 / 43

When of the inputs of two-input a XOR gate is Logic High, the output will be _____ of the other input.

2 / 43

The maximum number of bits sufficient to represent an octal number is binary is _____.

3 / 43

The binary equivalent of 10101 to its decimal equivalent is ____.

4 / 43

Which of the following is the Roundedness Law of Boolean Algebra?

5 / 43

Boolean algebra can be used to

6 / 43

Which of the following is not a positional number system?

7 / 43

The maximum number of bits sufficient to represent hexadecimal number in binary is ______.

8 / 43

A basic AND gate consists of ______ inputs and an output

9 / 43

According to De Morgans theorems, the complement of the sum of the Boolean Variables are equal to

10 / 43

An XOR gate gives a high output

11 / 43

Which of the following is Idempotent Law of Boolean Algebra?

12 / 43

The output of two input OR gage is high

13 / 43

Which of the following is the 1's complement of 1010?

14 / 43

When a logic circuit diagram is given, you can analyze the circuit to obtain the _____.

15 / 43

Symbol: F=A.B, where '.' Implies ____ operation.

16 / 43

If an input A is given to an inverter, the output will be

17 / 43

Which of the following is the Involution Law of Boolean Algebra?

18 / 43

An XNOR gate gives a high output

19 / 43

Which of the following is the Identity Law of Boolean Algebra?

20 / 43

Which of the following is the Distributive Law of Boolean Algebra?

21 / 43

A computer language that is written in binary codes only is called _____.

22 / 43

Which of the following is valid in Boolean algebra?

23 / 43

Which of the following is the Complement Law of Boolean Algrebra?

24 / 43

The output of two input NAND gate is high

25 / 43

In the AND gate, the output is high only if both the inputs are

26 / 43

Boolean algebra is named after ______, who used it to study human logical reasoning

27 / 43

According to De Morgan's theorems, the complement of the product of the Boolean Variables is equal to

28 / 43

Which of the following is the Absorption Law of Boolean Algebra?

29 / 43

The value of radix of hexadecimal number system is _______.

30 / 43

Which of the De Morgan's Law of Boolean Algebra?

31 / 43

The output of a two input AND gate is high

32 / 43

What does the symbol A represent in a hexadecimal number system?

33 / 43

The logic expression A.B'+A'B is given by _____ gates.

34 / 43

Base of number is also called as ________.

35 / 43

NAND gate means

36 / 43

Two inputs Exclusive NOR gate gives high output

37 / 43

Which of the following is universal gate?

38 / 43

Which of the following is the Commutative Law of Boolean Algebra

39 / 43

The base value of decimal number system is _____.

40 / 43

2's complement is used to represent signed integers, especially ____ integers.

41 / 43

Which of the following is the Associative Law of Boolean Algebra?

42 / 43

Which is the least significant digit of 1234?

43 / 43

Symbol: F=A+B, where '+' Implies ____ operation.

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