Quiz: Multiple Choice Questions [ Topic Related To Computer System] Computer Science 1 / 64The generation based on VLSI microprocessor. Third Second First Fourth 2 / 64The number of character/second that can be transmitted to the memory form the tape is denoted by the term Data transfer rate Transmission rate Transmission mode Data mode 3 / 64Terminal that doesn't process or store data and simply is an input/output device, functions as a window into a computer located somewhere else is called _______. Super terminal Low terminal Dumb terminal Intelligent terminal 4 / 64What is the smallest unit of the information? A nibble A block A bit A byte 5 / 64A hard disk drive can be directly connected to a PC via a ______ . USB interface Parallel interface WAN interface SCSI interface 6 / 64Storage which stores of retains data after power off is called _______. Nonvolatile storage Volatile storage Cache memory None of above 7 / 64What are five main components of a computer system? Memory, Video card, Monitor, Software, Hardware Modem, Keyboard, Word Processor, Printer, Screen CPU, Memory, System bus, Input, Output CPU, CD-ROM, Mouse, keyboard, sound card 8 / 64Mobile computing allows transmission of data from one wireless-enabled device to another ______. Any device Wireless-enabled device None of above Wired device 9 / 64Which of the following programming language were used in first generation computers? Both of above Machine Language None of above Assembly Language 10 / 64The device primary used to provide hardcopy is _______ . Printer CRT Card read Computer console 11 / 64Chief components of first-generation computer was None of above Vacuum Tubes and Valves Transistors Integrated Circuits 12 / 64CD-ROM stands for: Compatible Read Only Memory Compactable Disc Read Only Memory Compact Disc Read Only Memory Compact Data Read Only Memory 13 / 64The OCR recognizes the _____ of the characters with the help of light source. Shape Color Size Used ink 14 / 64In a traditional mainframe environment, each user accesses the mainframe's resources through a device called a _______. Hub Terminal Node Switch 15 / 64Integrated Circuits (ICs) are related to which generation of computer. Second Generation Third generation First generation Fourth generation 16 / 64Three main component of computer are: CPU, I/O, memory CPU, Memory, tape I/O, Printer, Mouse Tape, I/O, floppy disk 17 / 64RAM is also called: Virtual Memory Cache Memory None-volatile Memory Volatile Memory 18 / 64A term in computer terminology is a change in technology a computer is/was being used Generation Growth Development Advancement 19 / 64A hybrid computer None of above Resemble both a digital and analogue computer Resembles analogue computer Resembles digital computer 20 / 64Minicomputer are also called Midrange Computers Super Computer Analog Computers Hybrid Computers 21 / 64The main reason for the discontinuation of semi-conductor-based storage devices for providing large storage space is _______. High cost per bit value None of the mentioned Lack of speed of operation Lack of sufficient resources 22 / 64_______ has the shortest access times. All of the above Virtual Memory Cache Memory Secondary Memory 23 / 64Analog computer works on the supply of Discrete Signal Physical strength Continuous electric pulses Magnetic Strength 24 / 64Which of the following is equal to gigabyte? 512 GB 1024 MB 1024 bits 1024 bytes 25 / 64Terminal which performs some processing operations but doesn't have any storage is called _________. Intelligent terminal Low terminal Super terminal Dumb terminal 26 / 64The average latency depends on _____ of the disk. Rotation per hour Rotation per sec None of the above Rotation per minute 27 / 64What is the term for a temporary storage is that compensates for differences in data rate and data flow between devices? Buffer Channel Modem Bus 28 / 64Which of the following is the smallest visual element on a video monitor? Bit Pixel Character Byte 29 / 64Which type of memory can read data but can't write data? Random accesses memory None of above Read only memory Random only memory 30 / 64_________ is generally used to increase the apparent size of physical memory. Hard disk Secondary Memory Disks Virtual Memory 31 / 64The capacity of 3.5-inch floppy disk was _____? 1.44 MB 1.44 GB 1.40 MB 1.40 GB 32 / 64The main virtue for using single Bus structure is ______. None of above Fast data transfer Cost effective connectivity and ease of attaching peripherals devices Cost effective connectivity and speed 33 / 64Performance of a supercomputer is measured in: Megabits per second Million instructions per second Floating-point operations per second Kilobits per second 34 / 64The central processing unit is located in ____ . System unit Monitor Hard disk Memory unit 35 / 64Cache memory acts between CPU and RAM CPU and Hard disk All of the above RAM and ROM 36 / 64Who used punched cards practically for the first time in the history of computers? Herman Hollerith Howard Aikin Charles Babbage Joseph Jacquard 37 / 64USB-type storage device is ______. ROM Primary memory Secondary memory RAM 38 / 64The main memory of computer is also called as: Virtual memory Primary storage Secondary storage Auxiliary memory 39 / 64Which type of memory can speed up computer processing? Both A and B Registers Cache memory ROM 40 / 64Programs stored in the ROM are called as: Formware Farmware Fireware Firmware 41 / 64The term used to define all input and output devices in a computer system is _________ . Monitor All of the above Software Hardware 42 / 64Microprocessor was introduced in which generation of computer? First generation Third generation Fourth generation Second generation 43 / 64A light sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form is _____ . OMR Keyboard Light Pen Scanner 44 / 64Magnetic type is a type of _______ access device. Direct access Sequential access Indirect Step 45 / 64The term GIGO is related to which characteristics of computers? Speed Accuracy Reliability Automatic 46 / 64The disks in which both the surfaces are used for recording are called ______. None of above Double-Sided (DS) disk High Density (HD) disk Double Density (DD) disk 47 / 64What is the speed of computer measured in? Megahertz Nanoseconds Gigahertz Kilo-seconds 48 / 64Which memory is onboard storage? None of above Random Access Memory Cache Memory Virtual Memory 49 / 64____ are numbers and encoded characters, generally used as operands. Stored Values Input Information Data 50 / 64What is the main difference between a mainframe and a super computer? Super computers are much smaller than mainframe computers Supercomputers are focused to execute as many programs as possible mainframe uses its power to execute few programs as fast as possible Supercomputer is much larger than mainframe computers. Supercomputers are focused to execute few programs as fast as possible while mainframe uses its power to execute as many programs concurrently 51 / 64A computer does not suffer from tiredness and lack of concentration. It is also known as ...... Versatility GIGO Accuracy Diligence 52 / 64Which parts of the computer were used for calculating and comparing? Memory Unit ALU Control Unit MODEM 53 / 64The _____ pen is a small input device used to select and display objects on a screen. Magnetic Ink None of above Light 54 / 64The storage capacity of a dual layer Blu-ray disc is _______. 50 GB 30 GB 20 GB 40 GB 55 / 64The use of IC in a computer has _____ . Reduced the peripheral devices to be used Increased the amount of heating Reduced the performance capacity of the computer Reduced the size and cost of computers 56 / 64A bar code reader is an example of Output device Storage device Processing device Input device 57 / 64Computers that are used in large organizations such as insurance companies and banks, where many people frequently need to use the same data, are Hybrid computers Super computer Desktop computers Mainframe computers 58 / 64Which of the following is not considered hardware? Keyboard CPU Operating system Hard disk 59 / 64The device primary used to provide hardcopy is the _______ . Card Reader Printer CRT Input 60 / 64Which of the following is an input device? Printer VDU OCR Plotter 61 / 64What is the main purpose of secondary storage device? To increase the speed of computer To store data To networking To install operating system 62 / 64The two kinds of main memory are: RAM and ROM CDs and DVDs Primary and secondary Direct and sequential 63 / 64Computer is free form tiresome and boredom. We call it Reliability Versatility Accuracy Diligence 64 / 64USB refers to A processor A storage device A port type A serial bus standard Your score isThe average score is 58% 0% Restart quiz