Under the recently launched Couple Challenge on the popular social network Facebook, photos uploaded by users with their partners have started appearing on various porn sites.
According to news agencies, some of the photos uploaded to the Couples Challenge, especially of celebrity couples, have been uploaded on porn sites. Security officials say those who are posting photos of their partners on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, including the hashtag Couple Challenge, have come to be vigilant.
According to cybersecurity experts, this is not just a hashtag, it is a web of hackers trying to gather personal information.
Experts have warned that posting your picture and personal information on the hashtag trend on social media may not be a challenge for others but a challenge to your own life.
This trend is popular all over the world. So far, about 3 million users have shared photos with their partners on Facebook as a couple of challenges.
India’s Pune Police has requested users to avoid this challenge through its Twitter handle.
Using this type of challenge, hackers target users’ private photos. Experts say that they are being victimized by Revenge Porn and Deep Fake technology all over the world.
Many people, especially women, have been victims of deep throats. In which, using artificial intelligence, someone’s picture is attached to another person’s body in such a way that it looks like the real thing.
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