This article gives idea about two types of date.
a) date
if you want to show todays date you can use this format
The symbol here
Y: full year (2020)
y: short form of year (20)
m: numerical form of month (7)
M: Alphabetical form of Month (July)
d: date (16)
D: short form of day (Thu)
l: Full form of Day (Thursday)
b) Time
samewse in date() you can echo time like date(h:i:s a)
this gives the hour, minute and second along with am and pm
H: 24 hour format
h: 12 hour format
i: minute (00 to 59)
s: second (00 to 59)
a: shows am or pm
date of the post
First of all try to check the connection of wires in the router. Try to…