
How to make your Windows PC faster? Tips to make your PC run faster in2022. 15 Tips To save You!

Working in slow computer is frustrating and irritating. You might me looking some instant solution to make your PC faster.…

2 years ago

13 Life Saving Computer Tricks

Here are 13 Tricks that can help you while using your computer. 1)  Control + T opens a new tab.…

2 years ago

Having Problem of Proper Punctuations in Photoshop?

This problem occurs only in certain version of Photoshop. While adding the punctuation such as full stop, comma or question…

3 years ago

Create Multiple Folders With Single Click Best Trick!! How to Make Multiple File By single Click. This is a basic trick to teach you how to make…

3 years ago


To add YouTube channel tab please follow these steps. STEP 1. first of all go to your Facebook page. STEP…

3 years ago

JQuery Code to add class in the first class div (Bootstrap Carousel)

If you have a bootstrap carousel for my post display( code is below ). And If you want to put…

3 years ago

ERROR: Invalid default value for ‘created_at’ [solution]

I got a problem while adding a new column in the database as well as editing the column. The error…

4 years ago

How to solve Invalid default value for ‘created_at’ while adding new column in database.

[Problem:] While adding new column to the table by alter method, I used this sql code   ALTER TABLE investments ADD bank TEXT; ERROR 1067 (42000): Invalid default value for 'created_at'   But An eeror came thought I tried various data type ERROR 1067 (42000): Invalid default value for 'created_at'   [solution] The problem in my database is current mode is in the sql_mode   SO, in the sql I typed and hit the commend set global sql_mode = 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION';     and it solved the problem.

4 years ago

How to recover shift+deleted files and folders in windows?

I accidentally deleted a folder in a desktop which I came to know was very useful to me. I searched…

4 years ago