3 July, 2021 45th president of the Unidetd States of ameraica, Donanld trumph after getting band in twitter tried to…
What is CSS Sprites? CSSSprites is the process of combining many image into a single bigger file to use in…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WstzszMM0bI How to Make Multiple File By single Click. This is a basic trick to teach you how to make…
You might be wondering how to transfer all the database and files from server to the localhost. This is the…
You might have wondered that some WordPress page has a weird pages with comment "Silence is golden". Some people might…
The following video clearly shows how to reset your password in wordpress. https://youtu.be/z4nS4sqKq-Q
1. YouTube Channel Starting a YouTube channel is the easiest way to make money online and it doesnot require any…
This video show how to transfer your site from localhost to the live server. This is easy way to populate…
The best way to customize the css of a theme is by creating child theme. This tutorial will guide you…
To add functionality of increasing and decreasing size of text in the post you need the following codes. let us…